Friday, August 31, 2012

roasted red peppers

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I just had to take a moment to mention this recipe of Roasted Bell Peppers with Capers and fresh Mozzarella I made for dinner last night (and prepped the night before). IT WAS SO YUMMY. And, I've never roasted my own pepper before, and it was pretty satisfying. All images and recipe credit goes to Deb of the Smitten Kitchen (because we sadly scarfed our meals up way too fast, before even thinking about pictures). People, this is probably the number one blog I turn to for recipes. Everything she photographs looks so delicious, and everything I try turns out so delicious too! If you havent perused her recipe archive, I highly recommend you do that.

PS: Deb now has a cookbook of her images and words coming out, and I cant wait to get it!!
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