Several weeks ago now (whoops), a good college friend of Alex's, Cassi and her new husband Nick came to visit (our first "house" guests, yay!) and is was appropriately documented with the faithful Canon Demi S. They just got back from 4 years teaching in Korea, and are now currently on a whirlwind road trip tour of the United States, as they visit all of their family and friends before they leave the States again to teach in Kuwait. They even got (surprise) married, which I think is just so romantic! Congratulations again you guys. I hope you are having the time of your lives!
Anywho, we visited Minnehaha Falls, went on a long hike, to a Twins baseball game, stopped by a rockabilly concert/festival, ate delicious breakfasts with local Minnesota honey on them, and played LOTS of Settlers of Catan. (If you've not played Catan, you NEED TO GET ON THAT) It's a board game, but not a bored game... if you catch my drift.
We wish you all the best and safe travels again Cassi & Nick! Hopefully we will meet again soon.