While I was on a thrifting adventure recently, I found an amazing long grey dress, probably 70's, and knew I had to get it. I didnt know what I was going to do with it yet, but I would figure it out! Then, while brainstorming halloween costume ideas for this year, I thought I could use the dress and either be Cleopatra, an angel type creature, or something more grecian... a goddess? There is just so much I could do! Here are some beautiful images pulled from The Commons on Flickr that I used for inspiration.
Eventually I decided on Athena, goddess of war. I just love that last image above of the young woman dressed as a warrior. Her shield and little golden skirt are so precious. I hope she is not actualy planning to go to war! Anyways, I will definitely post pictures of how it came out soon! How about you? Do you have an amazing costume idea this year??