Been thinking about overhauling the professional website recently. I mean for real, not just tweaks, and not keeping the same imagery as always. I gotta CHANGE IT ALL people. In looking for inspiration, I found quite a few websites to be inspired by on
Cargo Collective, an invite-only platform that "offers its members free standing personal websites with their own URL, a wide variety of templates, and simple but sophisticated tools to control the way their content is displayed. A personal network of their own creation allows members to follow and comment on the work of others, making themselves known by their artistic engagement with the community. " Always wanted to get in on this, but browsing the featured websites is the best part! Some artist's sites I'm loving right now, below.
Arnaud Teicher
Kirsten Swank
Closet Visit
Andoni Beristain
So many ideas, so little time!
ALSO, UPDATE: I now have a
new website! Care of Cargo Collective! Ch-ch-check it out!