Lately, I've been going through lots of new bags. In retrospect, I think I may have been trying to find the perfect bag NOT for the way it looks, but the way it functions. I usually buy bags for the opposite reason. This new bag is perfect.
I got it at the Everyday People, and not only is it BEAUTIFUL soft vintage leather, but the size and shape is perfect for fitting my laptop in it when I want, and the handles are short enough to carry it in my hand, but long enough to carry it over my shoulder as well. And it has just enough silver detailing to make it edgy without it being overly studded. I don't think I could carry a studded bag everywhere, as much as everyone (including me) loves this bag (or this bag even). It's got cool little clips on the front pockets and even on the zipper! Its sort of like security!
I've got so many little things to do today. One of which is to call a friend from high school and tell her that I can't come to her wedding... balls. Then I get to help my mom post some things to craigslist. More balls. Then I have to figure out if my new insurance will reimburse me for the $80 I paid for birth control this month. Super huge balls. And it just goes on like that for awhile... Ill let you know how it goes?